Dee for Daffodils
This month’s photo, a splendid springtime vista, known and loved by Aberdonians as a sign of better things to come, was beautifully captured by Carmelyn Ramos.
“April is the cruellest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” (T. S. Eliot.)
While not everyone of us may feel moved to share Eliot’s view of April, many of us will identify with part, at least, of the thoughts conveyed.
Those of us of a practical or literal inclination will acknowledge the sense of recovery and growth at this time of year; daffodils standing in place of lilacs in the North East of Scotland.
Those of us of a more fanciful or romantic inclination might find “mixing Memory and desire” the more resonant idea.
Happily, we can take pleasure from the scene on the basis, simply, that it is a part of our city that combines beauty and majesty. The gracious sweep of the bend in the River Dee, in full flow at the end of winter, is complemented by the stunning array of the daffodils, and further improved by the two graceful bridges – The Bridge of Dee and the King George VI Bridge – at the Western and Eastern ends of this stretch of the river.
Both bridges are entitled to be held in affection. The “old” bridge has been around for centuries, dating from 1527, it is believed. Modern requirements have necessitated widening of the original carriageway, but the work was done with painstaking care, retaining the original facings, buttresses etc. Although unsuitable for HGVs, the bridge is still an important river crossing.
The graceful span of the King George VI bridge is testimonial to more modern skills. Started in 1938 and opened by the then Queen Elizabeth, accompanied by her husband, the King, in 1941 it is constructed in reinforced concrete, and faced with granite. A feature that you may be unaware of is the incorporation of eight heraldic carvings, four on either side.
The north bank of the river, between the two bridges, forms a wide grassy avenue, perfect for a stroll.
Carmelyn’s photograph has captured the scene wonderfully well, and will, I am sure, stir happy memories in many of us.
If you’re interested in learning more about each one of our images as part of our photography competition, then why not take a look at one of our previous submissions, here.