What to look for first when choosing a home
Looking for the perfect house in today’s market can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack – where do you even start to begin? Of course, everyone has different approaches, but we each have to choose SOME initial way to narrow it down (aside from our budget of course).
Before we even begin to get into questions of taste – whether we have a flair for the modern or a fascination with the classic – we all filter down the vast choice by some kind of priority. So ASPC asked its social following to choose what they look for first, between the area, the number of bedrooms, transport links and whether or not the property has a garden – and the results may just surprise you!
By far the most popular response was area, with 71% of people on Twitter responding that this was the first thing that they look at when choosing a home – and with good reason! The area that you live in is key to the type of lifestyle that you wish to live in your new home. So, no real surprise – location, location….
If you know that you won’t settle for a home that isn’t within walking distance of the beach, then there’s no point in falling in love with a town house in the West End of Aberdeen. Similarly, if you enjoy a busy lifestyle, then a cottage in a beautifully remote part of the County probably isn’t sensible.
Similarly, you might want the peace and quiet of a small village, but with easy access to the bright lights of the city – in which case transport links are of the utmost importance. Surprisingly, this was the least prevalent response on our poll – with just 4% indicating that this is their first port of call when choosing a home.
While it’s easy enough to factor in transport links at a later stage, it’s important to bear them in mind before you narrow down your options by too much – as it is the perfect way to get the best of both worlds when it comes to suburban and city life!
When it comes to planning a home that fits in with your requirements, the number of people involved in the move is always important - which is probably what led 16% per cent of people to say that they look at the number of bedrooms first.
When it comes to the size of a home – the number of bedrooms, while important for many, isn’t the first thing that interests all of us. On Facebook, Pearl Gordon responded that the size of the kitchen is the first thing that she would look for when house searching. If the kitchen is at the centre of your family life then this is definitely something to take into consideration. It’s difficult to have a bustling family meal around a breakfast bar!
Last but not least – 7% of you listed a garden as your first priority. Unless you have young children, a garden is often a second thought, although the inclusion of your own space might sway you between one house and another.
How do these results fit in with your own experiences of looking for your perfect home? Is there something else that you would prioritise when starting your search? Let us know in the comments!