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Land and Buildings Transaction Tax Calculator

Use our Land and Buildings Transaction Tax calculator to get a quick and accurate estimate of what the LBTT tax to be paid for the property is

Calculate Land and Buildings Transaction Tax for properties in Scotland

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) replaced Stamp Duty in Scotland on 1st April 2015. LBTT has 5 residential tax bands and 3 commercial tax bands. The tax to be paid will depend on the price of the property. If the purchase price is below £145,000 for a residential property or below £150,000 for a commercial property then no Land and Buildings Transaction Tax would need to be paid.

The amount of tax to pay is calculated by taking into account the bands the purchase price falls into (property tax bands highlighted in the table). The percentage rate for each band in LBTT is applied only to the part of the price over the relevant threshold and up to the next threshold.

Use our calculator below to work out how much Land and Buildings Transaction Tax you would need to pay.

What kind of Land and Buildings Transaction Tax bands are there?

LBTT is a tax applied to residential and commercial land and buildings transactions (including commercial purchases and commercial leases) where a chargeable interest is acquired.

Residential Rates
Price bands Rate*
Up to £145,000 0%
Above £145,000 to £250,000 2%
Above £250,000 to £325,000 5%
Above £325,000 to £750,000 10%
Over £750,000 12%
Correct from 1st April 2021 * Rate based on that portion of purchase price
Residential Rates
Price bands Rate*
Up to £170,000 0%
Above £170,000 to £250,000 2%
Above £250,000 to £325,000 5%
Above £325,000 to £750,000 10%
Over £750,000 12%
Correct from 1st April 2021 * Rate based on that portion of purchase price
Non Residential Rates
Price bands Rate - on that portion of purchase price
Up to £150,000 0%
Above £150,000 to £250,000 1%
Above £250,000 5%
Correct from 1st April 2021 * Rate based on that portion of purchase price
  1. What type of property is it?

  2. Are you claiming First-Time Buyer relief?

    First time buyer relief only applies to contracts entered into on or after 9th February 2018 and where the date of entry (completion) is on or after 30th June 2018.
    The purchase must be of residential property and must include a dwelling.
    The purchaser must be a first time purchaser and intends to occupy the dwelling as their normal or main residence.

    The purchase must not be a �linked� transaction nor one to which ADS (Additional Dwelling Supplement) applies.

  3. What is the price of the property?

In April 2016 an Additional Dwelling Supplement was introduced for buyers who own an existing property. You can read more about this surcharge in our blog post.