A trip down memory lane: The evolution of ASPC’s iconic TV adverts
Television advertising has long been a staple of ASPC’s communication, with each campaign marking the evolution of the property market and public tastes. The 1980s saw ASPC’s earliest forays into TV, using simple, heartfelt messaging to highlight its role as the go-to hub for house-hunters in the North East.
There’s something about this time of year that allows us to feel nostalgic, and following the launch of our most recent TV advert in October, we’ve taken a look through the archives to explore how each advertising campaign - created alongside Mearns & Gill - has evolved with the times, all while capturing the heart of what it means to find “home”.
1991 - "Bringing people and property together"
This advert features a lovely cross-stitch sampler which was made by an ASPC staff member - which of course was a very popular craft at the time. The advert symbolises the warmth and personal touches that can be found in the comfort of a home, which mirrors the friendly approach ASPC has brought to home buyers and sellers throughout the years.
1992 - "Winter"
The 1992 ASPC advert showcases a simple yet heartfelt approach to home buying, from the perspective of a house. The ad opens with a charming snowy scene with a house, a snowman, and a ginger cat which becomes a hallmark figure for future ASPC adverts. It uses straightforward messaging that emphasises ASPC’s role as a helpful resource, and imagery of people visiting ASPC during a time before the internet revolution.
1993 - "Good chums"
The 1993 advert used a combination of animation and film which, at the time, was considered cutting edge technology! Do you remember the Property Centre when it looked like this? In an era before websites, all properties for sale and rent were shown on the walls on display cards - with only one photo per property shown.
1995 - "Whatever House"
This advert saw a continuation of the blend between animated cartoons and film, with our much-loved ginger cat making a reappearance. ASPC aimed to show that every home has its own unique story and that there are many considerations to make when finding the ideal home for the whole family.
2003 - "Spotlight"
The 2003 advert brought a shift in perspective and medium for the ASPC TV advert. Using 3D animation, this advert captures the feeling of finding a new home - but this time from the perspective of the house, similar to the 1992 advert.
2017 - "The heart of local property"
A bit closer to the present day, viewers will recognise the presence of social media and modern technology in the advert, as well as the colour and logo that represents ASPC’s current brand identity.
2018 - "The heart of local property" - and 50 years of ASPC
Created in a similar style to the previous year’s campaign, this TV advert is a charming representation of a home buyer’s journey - from needing more space and searching for a home, to saving up and making the move. This campaign included the logo for our 50 years of service to the North East house-hunting public.
2024 - “Every home has a heartbeat”
In our most recent TV advert, we wanted to capture the essence of how sentimental a home really is, and the role it plays in day to day life. The viewer can see a range of families and couples - depicted both literally and also figuratively through the variety of mugs and toast spreads - which makes the advert relatable to a mass audience. Of course, long standing viewers will recognise that the animated ginger cat from past adverts has been brought to life in this campaign, which serves as a subtle yet heartwarming nod to ASPC’s previous adverts.
The consistent heartbeat which can be heard throughout the advert reflects the life that can be found inside a home in a very simple yet emotive way.
At ASPC, we are passionate about helping buyers, sellers and renters across the North East find a home that best suits their needs. From the initial search to the keys being handed over, our dedicated team is here every step of the way.
To help make the process of buying your new home as seamless as possible, we’ve created a range of insightful blog posts and information pages. Browse our helpful home buying guide here, or if you have any further questions, please get in touch with one of our team members on centre@aspc.co.uk.