Ten easy spring cleaning tips to give your property a new lease of life
With spring now well underway, now is the time to don the rubber gloves, stock up your cleaning supplies and get scrubbing!
1. First things first, create a cleaning caddyNext time you’re at the supermarket, pick up a few spare cardboard wine carriers. You can use these to create your own cleaning caddy which you can carry from room to room with all the supplies you need – saving you from going back and forth to the cleaning cupboard every time you need a fresh cloth or a new rubbish bag. You can even have one for each room – or decorate them to match the décor if you’re feeling fun.
2. Get into every nook and crannyDuring your big spring clean is the perfect time to get into the oft-forgotten nooks and crannies throughout. Think about places that are hidden away, including your windows and window-seals, the inside of your washing machine drum (and the tray!), and objects that often get forgotten like door handles, light switches, and remote controls - a hot spot for grime and germs!
3. Kids’ toysNow is also the best time to get the kids outside in the spring air and disinfect all their toys. Choose a quick cycle and you can wash all their plastic toys in the dishwasher. For fabric toys, check the label first, then gather in a pillowcase and throw in the washing machine. Easy!
4. Outdoor furnitureWith summer looming and the sun popping its head out, now is the best time to get your patio furniture out of the shed! Make sure to give it a good dusting. If it’s metal, use some white vinegar to help get rid of any rust that’s appeared over the winter period. If you have cushions for your patio furniture – give them a good wash and airing! If they’re not machine washable, you can do this by scrubbing with just a little bit of laundry detergent.
5. The annual deep cleanYes, it’s time for the dreaded deep clean. It’s recommended that you deep clean your home once a year, this includes carpets, windows, and vents. We have a couple of tips for cleaning your carpets: if you are shampooing with a rented carpet cleaner, we recommend practicing in an inconspicuous area first until you are familiar with the machine. The drying process can be long, so open your windows while you clean to speed this process up.
6. Make use of old newsNewspaper is great for cleaning dirty windows and mirrors! Mix white vinegar, water and liquid soap into a spray bottle, spray the mixture onto the glass and scrub with a newspaper for streak-free results. The ink acts as an abrasive!
7. BeddingYou may change your bedding weekly, but how often do you wash your pillows? Pillows should be washed every 3-6 months. Put two at a time in the washing machine on a gentle cycle, add an extra cold-water rinse and spin cycle, then tumble dry on a low heat. Voilà – fluffy clean pillows!
8. Hoover lastDusting with a wet cloth ensures you’re not just spreading the dust in the air but it’s not always possible (blinds and high to reach places are best left to a fluffy duster!). Leave your hoovering (and mopping, if you need to) until last. If you’ve found a really dusty spot (like your spare room blinds!) consider using the attachments on your hoover to help sweep it all up.
9. Kitchen appliancesNo spring clean is complete without cleaning the inside of your kitchen appliances. The perfect opportunity to rid your microwave of stains: Fill a large microwaveable bowl with water and a chopped-up lemon or lime, and put it in the microwave on a high setting for several minutes or until the solution boils and the window is steamy, then let it cool for 15 minutes. Open the door, remove the bowl and wipe out the inside and outside with a sponge.
10. Don’t forget to clean your cleaning utensils!Help your broom help you by getting rid of dust that gets stuck to the bristles. Fill a bowl with warm, soapy water and swish the broom head around in it, or alternatively, vacuum it with vacuum tools. The same goes for vacuums, to do an efficient job, they need emptied and cleaned regularly: replace the bag, clean the dust cup, and wash the filters.
There you have it – with our ten top tips for giving your home a real spring clean, the place will be fresh and sparkling in no time.