How to style your bedroom for a good night sleep
Your bedroom is your sanctuary – a place to relax, be comfortable and sleep. So when you move into a new home, it’s important to make sure that your bedroom is a place of tranquillity.
We take a look at how to style your bedroom in order to promote a better night’s sleep.
Tranquil tones
‘Aberdeen Dons red’ may be your favourite colour – but it is not conducive to a peaceful sleeping environment.
Tonally, muted colours and pastels are more soothing for tired eyes and are likely to make it easier for your brain to relax.
If you feel you do need a bright colour, consider a feature wall – preferably the wall your headboard rests on – or incorporate bold tones as an accent colour, such as in cushions or artwork.
Your mattress matters
It was true in Goldilocks, and it’s true in real life – you need a mattress that’s just right for you. It used to be the case you just chose between a hard and a soft mattress, but now there are choices galore – foam, pillow, inter-spring, and even adjustable beds.
And even when you find that perfect mattress, after a while (every seven years, according to research), you’ll need to replace it.
When you move home can be the perfect time to get that brand new mattress for your brand new home.
Cut the clutter
Your room may be filled with packing boxes for the first week or so – and that’s perfectly normal.
However, if it’s three months since the move and your room is still filled with clutter, it’s time to bring some order back to your life.
With clinical research proving that hoarders are more likely to have sleeping complaints, take some time to go through your things, store away what you need, and get rid of anything you don’t.
Black out blinds
If your new bedroom overlooks a busy road, or you work shifts, you may wish to invest in black out blinds. These can help filter out the light, helping you to drift into REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.
Of course – it’s not just windows that can let in light. Devices such as digital clocks can light up your room and make it harder to snooze – and that’s even before you think of the LED light from televisions and computers.
Follow these tips and you should be heading for sweet dreams in your new home sweet home!