What to consider when looking for a rental property
A quick internet search will bring up a plethora of guides on hunting for your perfect home, but if you’re not ready to make that commitment, financially or personally, renting might be your preferred option! Finding the perfect rental however is a different experience to hunting for your dream home, you might be a lot more flexible when it comes to renting – depending on how long you’re planning to be living there. We’ve put together our top tips for finding your perfect rental home.
What sort of property are you looking for?
Think about what sort of property you’re looking for first of all. If you have a car, parking is a must! And city living is sometimes difficult if you don’t have your own parking space. Are you prepared to share with someone else? Remember you’ll see this person ever day – so make sure it’s someone you know you’ll get along with. Your best friend might seem like the perfect flatmate at first, until you remember they’re horrifically untidy (or vice versa!). If sharing isn’t for you, you might need to significantly increase your budget. Do you have your own furniture? Sometimes if you’re planning on renting only for a short period then a furnished flat is best, if you want to stick around you’ll probably want to make the place more homely and unfurnished is an ideal way of making a space your own. Before you even think of location, make a list of your needs, and wants. This could help advise on where the best location to look might be.
Finding somewhere to call home.
Now that you know what you need (or want!), it’s time to start hunting! Viewings are often time sensitive with rental properties, whilst buying a house they usually recommend more than one viewing, sometimes properties to let aren’t on the market for very long – so come prepared! Make sure to look at everything on that first viewing, and ask any questions you might have then too. Be ready to snap it up after that first viewing if you like it – competition is fierce in the rental market!
Be flexible, organised and prepared.
If your dream property is just outside your ideal location, does that really matter? If somewhere closer to work is a little bit more expensive, could your budget stretch? Think about your options and be prepared to be a little more lenient with your needs and wants. Being organised makes sure you never miss a viewing! Keep a list of questions (Parking? Facilities? Deposit? Area?) handy with you so you’re ready to pounce and secure that rental.
Happy hunting! Check out our rental search function to get you on your way.
Found that perfect pad? Check out our handy tips to make your rental feel more like a home.