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The lake at Fyvie Castle - why it's Craig Pike's favourite view

This year, our ASPC calendar consists of a unique collection of images which represent personal significance for people with a special connection to our wonderful North East. Every month, we’ll take a look at the reason why that month’s view is so special and highlight the beautiful photograph by photographer Ray Smith.

The lake at Fyvie Castle - why it's Craig Pike's favourite view

The lake at Fyvie Castle - why it's Craig Pike's favourite view

This year, our ASPC calendar consists of a unique collection of images which represent personal significance for people with a special connection to our wonderful North East. Every month, we’ll take a look at the reason why that month’s view is so special and highlight the beautiful photograph by photographer Ray Smith.

Hailing back to the 13th century, it’s easy to see why the stunning Edwardian interiors and beautiful castle grounds of Fyvie Castle are so popular for weddings.

The romance doesn’t stop there though, with Craig Pike of Flying Pig Productions, and solicitor in Aberdeen, touting the lakeside spot of this month’s calendar photograph as his favourite spot.

“The view over the water at Fyvie Castle is a favourite spot where, as a ‘courtin’ couple’, my wife Sophie and I would frequently head for a walk, pausing for a seat on the bench pictured.”

The castle sits in the village of Fyvie, near Turriff and was built in 1211 by William the Lion. It was also the site of an open-air court held by Robert the Bruce. The grounds and surrounding loch were added to the castle in the early 19th century. The castle is also said to be haunted by The Green Lady but that wasn’t enough to put off Craig and his wife:

“We love this place – so much so that we had our wedding here. It will always retain the same beauty and tranquillity for us.”

Have you taken a stroll around the beautiful loch-side? Let us know in the comments below! 

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