Five tips for a second property viewing
If you step out of a property after a first viewing and have your heart set on it, the first thing you should think about doing is booking a second viewing.
You may think ‘I love this house and want to buy it – I don’t need to see it again’, but you must ask yourself if you have rose-tinted glasses. The property is no doubt beautiful, with all the room you need and ticking most, if not all, of your boxes. But – once the first flush of love has died down, is it still your dream home?
In the first viewing you will of course have asked why the current owners are moving, and will have checked important details like internet and phone access, as well as what will be included in the sale.
A second viewing however, is like a second interview for a job – it will take longer, and will be more in depth.
Follow our five tips for a successful second viewing.
Book your viewing for a different time
First viewing 10am on a Saturday morning? Book your second viewing for 6pm after work during the week.
This helps you to see what the place looks like at various times, as well as differing transport levels.
Perhaps if your first viewing is in the evening, you didn’t notice that the garden doesn’t get any sunlight, or the bedroom is overshadowed by a tree.
By visiting at a different time, you can learn a little bit more about the property and area overall.
Ask a fresh pair of eyes to come with you
Take your partner, a family member or a friend with you for a second viewing to give a fresh pair of eyes.
Not only will they not have the rose-tinted glasses on, they may suggest looking at or asking about areas you didn’t e.g. noticing a loose tile or considering where the nearest plug-point is for your lawn mower.
Take someone who you trust and who will speak their mind – now is not the time for yes men!
Check all the appliances work
We are not suggesting you take a full load of washing with you, but take the time to check that lights, the oven and any other major appliance works.
If you cannot use it, ask for confirmation that it is in working order.
Also check the shower, looking at water pressure, whether it is an electric shower or is run off the mains water supply.
Wander the area
Planning to take the train to work? Make sure you walk the distance to the station so you know how long it will take and what the route looks like.
It’s also worth travelling the distance to your local shop, as well as your nearest supermarket.
If you have children, you will have looked into the local schools, but now is also the perfect opportunity to time the walk, as well as take a look around the area in general.
Do you feel happy and comfortable walking around the area? Does it have street lighting? If not, consider if the area is 100% for you.
Ask ‘can I imagine living here?’
Would you be happy living in the property? Can you imagine making dinner in the kitchen, relaxing in the living room and pottering around the garden?
If not – why not? If it is something you can fix, such as interior design, decide if you want to – and can afford to – make the changes you would like.
If not, or you can’t imagine yourself living in the property, you need to ask yourself why you are visiting and if it really is the property for you.
If, however, you can see yourself happily living in the house – great!
Second viewing gone well? Read our guide on starting the buying process.