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Areas of interest
Two new schools earmarked for Aberdeen – a sign of growth?
March 02, 2016
Aberdeen City Council has pledged to build two new schools to help with the rising population in the city – as part of the £130m education package earmarked by the Labour-led administration for the next five years in its budget
Buying a house in Scotland - Part Four: Closing dates
February 17, 2016
Unfairly regarded by some as the devil’s work, lawyers’ skulduggery, a scam or some other pejorative term, closing dates have long been used by Scottish solicitors as the means to afford fair play in house sales. It is important to state, at the outset, that many alternatives have been tried and none have succeeded in finding a better way.
Old Aberdeen Community Council to oppose student flat plans: is there too much student accommodation in Aberdeen?
January 20, 2016
Old Aberdeen Community Council is set to oppose plans for new student accommodation on a site currently occupied by a First Bus depot and bus park in light of suggestions that there is too much student accommodation in the city.
Five things you need to know before buying a family home
January 13, 2016
House buying or renting priorities change when you have children – there is so much more you need to take into consideration when looking at both the property itself and the surrounding areas. To help you find the perfect home for your family, we take a look at five things to consider when you’re planning your next move with your family.
Five hidden costs of buying a home
January 06, 2016
So, you’re thinking of buying a house or flat – congratulations! You will, of course, be searching ASPC for your dream property, probably using the myASPC function to keep track of your favourites. While you should look at properties slightly over your budget, in case you may find a “bargain”, beware of thinking a mortgage is your only cost.