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Areas of interest
How to spend the day in St Cyrus: The top 5 attractions
June 22, 2016
The village of St Cyrus is one of Scotland’s best kept secrets, tucked away in southeast Aberdeenshire. Situated on the North Sea Coast between the small villages of Morphie and Johnshaven, and just six miles north of Montrose, this location is very much sought after by daydreaming homeowners and holidaymakers alike
How to Spend a Day in Portsoy: The 5 Top Attractions
May 18, 2016
Travel along the Moray coast to discover the charming harbour town of Portsoy, Banffshire. This quiet town situated between Cullen and Banff is ideal for escaping the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you’re just passing through on a tour of the Moray coast, or you’re planning a rejuvenating costal break, make the most of your trip with our round-up of Portsoy attractions.
Aberdeen housing market in a difficult local economy
May 06, 2016
I doubt that anyone in our area is unaffected by the downturn in the oil industry. Job losses, a decrease in general activity – noticeable across the City - and hotel occupancy rates down are all signs of the change. Unsurprisingly, the effects are also being felt in our housing market.
Buying a house in Scotland Part Five: Conveyancing
April 20, 2016
So, you have bought a house! Congratulations. By now, feeling a wee bit weary, perhaps, you have been through the process of arranging funding, searched for suitable homes on ASPC’s website, made a selection to view, been to see several, tried for a couple, possibly, without success, but now the end is in view.